Best picture ever..
Never liked a TV show like FRIENDS. This show never got the critical respect but it ran for 10 seasons and was a huge hit with the public. I myself had bought all the dvds just to keep watchin it again n again.
"Everyone can relate to the characters, whether it be to yourself or amongst your own friends". Friends found its niche throwing a group of attractive young people together in a couple of apartments in New York and providing them with endearing qualities and snappy dialogue. Everyone has a favorite "Friend" be it Ross, Rachael, Joey, Phoebe, Monica or Chandler. The show thrived by engaging viewer first in the on/off relationship between the nerdy Ross and the beautiful worldly Rachael and later, the surprise pairing of the OCD Monica and wise acre Chandler. Womanizing dumbell Joey and airhead Phoebe served up a lot of comic fodder and provided the cohesive that held them together.
Honestly - there is not another show that has allmost every situation that you would ever encounter and has the power to make you laugh with them EVEN when you're having a bad day. The characters are loveable and practical and I don't think this show would be as legendary as it is without every single one of them.
My hot crush in this series was Jeniffer Aniston, Rachel Green as she was in the series. Extremely sexy and naughty. And then who can ever forget the song "Smelly Cat" by phoebe.
yeah i know that..Monica's ur fav...u had mentioned in ur blog i guess few days back..isnt it?